
Detection of protein residue on instruments and surfaces.

For routine monitoring and validation of the cleaning efficacy.

  • Quick detection of insoluble protein residue
  • Colour change to blue indicates a contaminated surface
  • Dye binding method for a detection limit of 1µg
  • No interference with Glutaraldehyde or Peracetic acid


Pyromol-Test is based on a dye binding method which is also used in clinical chemistry.

Blood contains large amount of protein which can be detected at a low level.


The Pyromol-Test is used for the detection of protein residue where HemoCheck-S cannot be used.

Example: Other sources of protein than blood.


A blue spot on the swab indicates protein residue on the tested surface.

NOTE: Contaminated instruments are a hygiene risk and need to be rejected. Instruments need to be free of any residue!


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